Sunday, January 13, 2013

home sweet home.

So before Christmas, Clay and I drove down to Lake City to find a place to live. That was the week before we actually moved...yikes! The way the rental market works here is quick: basically a house comes available to rent and it's scooped up almost immediately.  Clay had been in touch with a Realtor who was looking for rentals with our specifications for over a month. She told us not to bother getting serious about a place until we were almost ready to move, so that's what we did. She took us to look at 8 houses one afternoon and we finally narrowed it down to two that we really liked. The next day we called both places, and one of them had already been rented! So our decision had been made and we ended up getting the cute place below that we now call home. :) We didn't realize how small our other house was until we got settled into this one!  

our painted bookcase :)
I'll be re-styling the shelves via Pinterest soon!
Guest room: COMPLETE & ready for visitors!!
Guest bath

open of my favorite parts :) 
coffee bar :) 
view from inside the kitchen looking into the living room
master in progress!


  1. Yay! I finally became a follower! Can't wait for the next post! Miss you! XOXOXO

  2. excellent :) I can finally catch up this weekend and get us up to date! Miss you too! xoxo
