Sunday, January 20, 2013


After about a week of unpacking and settling in, I knew the time had come for me to begin looking (harder) for a job. Clay's boss and coworker were so helpful in sending my resume' to various people they knew in the school system. "Everybody knows everybody" is insanely true here! 

I had two interviews within 4 days and was offered both positions! One was for a 5th grade TA position at a school ten minutes down the road and another was a 5th grade long-term sub position covering maternity leave until the end of May. After discussing the pros and cons of both with Clay, I decided to take the long-term sub position at Alachua Elementary. It's about 30 minutes South of our house, closer to Gainesville (and Target!) It wasn't actually supposed to start until Feb. 22nd but the girl had her baby WAY earlier and I started last Wed, Jan. 16th. <woah now>

To celebrate, Clay and I got frozen yogurt at my mochi here in town. It's ALMOST as good as our favorite spot in Raleigh. He also bought me beautiful yellow roses...seriously the best. :)

Yep, I got the giant waffle bowl! 
They had cookie dough chunks as a topping! YUM!
Cheeto & Chester wanted a bite.