Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Spring 2015 Recap

STRESS. Mostly cat stress. That was the theme last spring. Pet lovers, you will understand 100%.
There was so much going on that it was hard to get a handle on it all at times but we managed.  Semester 2 of Grad school kicked into high gear, Cheeto had surgery to remove the cat version of kidney stones, Chester had major surgery on his leg to correct luxating patella's (basically moving knee caps which is super rare in cats), our first house was being built, on and on. Basically whenever there was a moment where we could have some fun and unwind, we did! Chester's surgery was crazier that we imagined so when he was fully recovered after SEVERAL months, we were ready to relax.
 A band we knew from Raleigh, American Aquarium, played in Jacksonville so we went up for the night and enjoyed ourselves! They were playing in a small venue, Jack Rabbits, and we met up with some friends for the night. Give them a listen for sure.

Discovered a new-to-us disc golf course. 

Part of Chester's recovery was that he couldn't jump up and down from places in the house. you know what cats love to do? During the day he had to wear a cone and we had to get steps to help him walk up and down places safely. We got a set of stairs for the bedroom since he slept with us so much and my principal at the time gave us another set for the couch...MUCH better than the suitcases! He was so happy...and so were we!

Definitely enjoyed some gorgeous sunsets!

 Since Chester insists on helping with my grad work, we had to move the stairs in the office every time I was working or he would try and jump up on the desk. Ridiculous mess.
Pretty sure he learned a lot about administration:
 Until it was time to nap again.

 Added some new art to our walls!
Captured some brotherly love from Cheeto after a long time of hissing & being crated. It was crazy how much he hated the cone on Chester & the smell he had for quite some time due to the surgery/stiches. He was also mad because he didn't have a play buddy so he was bored and caused quite the ruckus instead. QUITE the ruckus.

 Enjoyed the beach, chopped my hair.

Kayaked some new places.

Got the most hilarious gift from one of my students (which I really wanted to do some days)!
Saw some Gator baseball before they made it to the CWS and placed 3rd in the Nation! Go Gators!

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